High on the agenda of many organisations is the integration of their vast number
of isolated information systems. Many integration technologies have been
introduced in the last decennium. The technology for the coming era is based on
XML, (web)services, and other standards: the Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA). SOA will become the backbone of many IT departments and with that it will
become the information backbone of organisations themselves. All information
exchange will pass through this architecture.
Due to mergers, new regulations and market changes, companies are looking at
what SOA could mean for them. For some, SOA will be the basis for the automation
of business processes. Others see it as a means to gradually remove their legacy
systems, and others see it as a means to transform their organisation into an
agile organisation - one that can adapt quicker to market changes and
This one-day seminar presents an in-depth
overview of the products and the technologies that are available today to
develop SOA. The main product for implementing SOA is the Enterprise Service Bus
(ESB). This new generation of products is based on widely adopted standards such
as XML and SOAP and comprises most of the technologies needed for SOA including
a BPEL engine, adaptors, content based routers and business rules engines.
Learning Objectives
Learn how an organisation could benefit from SOA
Learn how different technologies are needed to develop SOA
Understand what the differences are between SOA-related technologies and
other older integrations solutions
Learn how an Enterprise Service Bus speeds up the development of SOA
Introduction to Services and SOA
- From components to services
- XML as format data interchange
- Advantages and disadvantages of SOA
Invoking Services
- Data exchange with SOAP
- WSDL: the language for describing the interfaces of services
- Transaction support for services
- UDDI and WSIL for discovering services
- Dealing with the semantics of interfaces
Orchestration of Services
- Automating business processes using BPEL
- Other languages for orchestration, such as IBM's WSFL, BPM's BPML and
Microsoft's XLANG
- What is BPEL?
- Overview of commercially available BPEL-engines, including those from
CapeClear, Cordys, Fiorano, IBM, Intalio, Microsoft, Oracle, PolarLake, SAP,
Sonic, Software AG webMethods, Sun, and Tibco
- A new standard for choreography: WSCDL
The Enterprise Services Bus - a new Generation of Integration
- Message queuing as transport layer
- Differences between EAI and ESB
- Overview of ESB's, including Axway, Bea Systems, CapeClear, Cordys, Fiorano,
IBM, InterSystems, Magic, Microsoft, Oracle, PolarLake, SAP, Software AG, Sonic,
SpiritSoft, and Sun
SOA Governance
- Different areas of SOA governance: interface and version management, service
management, monitoring, service level agreements, and security
- Services management for auditing, logging and billing of services
- How do service management tools operate?
- Specifying and enforcing service level agreements
- Overview of SOA Governance products
- Different forms of security: encryption, authentification, authorization and
SOA and Business Intelligence
- What exactly is Business Activity Monitoring?
- Static versus dynamic BI
- BPM and the relationship with Key Performance Indicators
- The data warehouse as source for services
- Predictive analysis via the Enterprise Service Bus
Summary and conclusions
- The future of services, service oriented architectures and enterprise
services busses
- Overview of the web services stack of standards
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