Title: Developing Advanced SQL Queries
Subtitle: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Joins and Subqueries
Abstract: The query capabilities of SQL database servers keep expanding. Especially the features related to specifying subqueries, joins and groupings have been extended dramatically. For example, subqueries in the From and Select clause are now allowed, new types of joins have been added, and recursive queries can be specified. The capabilities of the Group By clause have also been extended. For reporting
many powerful features
have been added such as rollup, cube, super-groups,
and sequence numbers.
Unfortunately, out of habit, many SQL programmers and DBA's still limit themselves to simple Select statements, and are therefore not exploiting the full capabilities of their database servers. This session teaches how those new features can and should be used.
This workshop can be seen as the sequel to the workshop Introduction to SQL. It can be adapted for specific SQL products, such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, IBM DB2, MySQL, SQLite, and Ingres.
1. The Basics of SQL Queries Revisited
The key clauses of a SQL query: Select, From, Where, Group By, Having, and Order By
Removing duplicate rows with Distinct
Exactly when are two rows equal?
The special behavior of the Null value
System variables and scalar functions
Data types and casting of values
Overview of aggregate functions, such as Count, Min, Max, Avg, and Sum
2. Defining Filters in the Where Clause
Overview of the various conditions, such as between, in, and like
The effect of the Null value on conditions
The Case expression
3. The Group By and Having Clauses: Part 1
Aggregating data by grouping data on one or more columns
Group by and aggregate functions
Grouping on expressions
Grouping of Null values - one or different groups?
General Rules for the Group By clause
Using Having to filter groups
4. Sorting Rows of Query Results
Features for sorting rows
Returning the top or bottom X rows of a result
The value of sorting on expressions
5. Subqueries
Subqueries with in, any, all, and exists
Correlated subqueries
Subqueries in the Select clause
How subqueries in the Select clause can simplify outer joins
Subqueries in the From clause
Nesting aggregate functions using subqueries in the From clause
6. The From Clause and Joins
Implicit versus explicit joins
Inner and outer joins
The role of relationships between tables on
Self-joins; joining a table with itself
Rules for joins and the order of joins
7. The Group By and Having Clauses: Part 2
Complex Examples with Group By
Grouping rows on data stored in other tables
Grouping rows like Outlook: today, yesterday, last week, last month
How does the grouping sets option work?
Group by with Rollup and Cube for analytics
Grouping rows on non-existing data
8. Combining Query Results
The Union, Intersect, and Except operators
Automatic removing of duplicate rows
Caculating subtotals and grand totals
The use of artifical columns when combining query results
9. The Window Functions for Analyzing Data
Window functions for analytical processing
The Rownumber and Rank functions
Partitioning of query results for reporting
Moving averages and totals
OLAP aggregation functions
10. The With Clause and Common Table Expressions
Removing duplicate code from queries with the With clause
Writing simple recursive queries with
Recursive processing of hierarchical data structures
Stopping endless recursive loops
Simple graph analytics with recursive queries
11. The Scary Double Not Exists
12.Tips for Testing SQL Queries
Verifying the correctness of the primary key of the result
Dealing with Null Values
Checking the correctness of joins
When are suqbueries correct?
13. Closing Remarks