This one-day seminar teaches the crucial guidelines for designing a Service Oriented Architecture. It is based on experiences gained at several SOA projects. Several issues need to be addressed when designing SOAs. Products need to be selected and a global architecture must be designed. How will existing applications, that at first were not meant to be integrated, be linked to the SOA? What does a document oriented interface for services mean? Management
of SOA should also be organised carefully. Should Business Activity Monitoring be considered or not? How should billing, service level agreements and security be dealt with? These, and many more questions need to be answered before SOA can be designed and built.
Introduction: From web services to service oriented
The business advantages of SOA
From monoliths via integrated systems to decomposable information systems
Why is XML ideal for exchanging data?
Overview of the standards for web services, including SOAP, WSDL, UDDI,
WS-Reliability, WSDM, WS-Security and BPEL
The switch from classic EAI to ESB
The development of SOA with an ESB
Alternatives for an ESB; application server, hub-and-spoke integration
broker and message oriented middleware
Overview of the market of ESB's, including CapeClear, Cordys, Fiorano, IBM,
InterSystems, SeeBeyond, Sonic and SpiritSoft
Adapters from Actional, DataDirect and iWay
Designing service interfaces and transformations
Design rules for the interfaces of individual services
A modelling technique developed by Gregor Hohpe and David Chappell to design
From parameter to document oriented interfaces
Aggregating small, data oriented services
In which language should aggregations be written: Java, C#, XSL or BPEL?
The influence of interfaces on network traffic
XSL and XQuery as languages to transform XML documents
Orchestration of services with BPEL
Introduction to BPEL - the standardised language for orchestration
Overview of BPEL engines that are commercially available, including the ones
from CapeClear, Fiorano, IBM, Microsoft, OpenStorm, Oracle, PolarLake and
Combining data from different systems: with BPEL or in a service?
Should BPEL or the service access the database?
Enriching of data by means of lookup tables
The role of cleaning tools when matching data
The difference between orchestration and choreography
A new standard for choreography - WS-CDL
The data warehouse and the operational data store (ODS) as data source for
Content based routing
What exactly is the job of a content based router?
Examples of content based routers
Disconnecting of services through routing
How to handle message changes through routing
Transactions in SOA
Existing standards for transaction management, such as XA and DTP, are
New standards for web service transactions: BTP, WS-Transaction and WS-CAFS
What is a compensating transaction?
Overview of stand-alone Business Transaction Manager's from Arjuna, Atomikos
and Choreology
General guidelines for SOA with regard to design
Guidelines for designing a loosely coupled architecture
Which conditions should legacy applications meet in order to be included in
Batch applications and SOA's
Including the business process in the documents
Matching comparable data
The business rule engine
Summary and conclusions
The future of the service oriented architecture
The relationship between SOA and other IT topics
General recommendations for the introduction of a SOA
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